Bearcreek Farms order pickup today from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Come to Door #3 (by the gym) to pick up your items.
Thanks for helping to support our students!
Bus 54 is running about 15 minutes behind this morning due some bus problems. Thanks for your patience!
The student council will celebrate World Smile Day with smiley face stickers today!
Upcoming Dates:
Kindergarten Field trip Fun!
The kindergarten and fourth grade field trips are on as planned.
Please make sure all students return their Chromebooks to school today! Thanks for your help!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up Day
Jay Schools will open on the 2 hour delay. Redkey Elementary doors will open at 9:40 am with students being in classrooms by 9:55 am.
We will still have our "What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up Day" today.
There is currently construction on the front sidewalk on the North side of the building.
Please walk around this area if you need to enter door #1 for the office area.
Thanks for your patience and understanding while we improve our grounds!
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, September 28, 2023.
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, September 28, 2023.
The emergency medical response at Redkey Elementary's dismissal today was due to the medical need of a staff person. Everyone is safe and we appreciate the patience and understanding of all our parents, students, and staff! Thank you!
College Go Week next week in the Jay School Corporation. On Monday, students and staff are encouraged to wear the colors of their favorite college or university.
Bearcreek Farms orders are due Friday, September 22!
Fifth and Sixth grades visited the 9/11 exhibit at the Jay County Fairgrounds this morning.
There will be no soccer intramurals for sixth grade after school on Friday, September 15 due to Homecoming activities.
Hat Day for Spirit week!
Friday-Red, White, and Blue to support the Patriots!
We had a great visit from Batman on Super Hero Day!
His message was the following:
1. Never Give Up!
2. Always Do the Right Thing...Follow Instructions, Listen, Make it Right Before the Night!
3. Help other People!
4. Never Be A Bully!
Thanks to the PTO for the pencils and Batman stickers!
Special Guest, Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Super Hero Day!
*Redkey Elementary Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
*Online ordering is available at the following site:
*Dress your best for picture day!
Redkey Homecoming Spirit Week