Thanksgiving Updates: Important Dates
Reminder that the PTO Fundraiser forms and money are due on Monday, November 27. Thanks for your support!
It was a busy day at Redkey Elementary!
Elearning practice
Remote Learning practice
Thanksgiving meal!
Reminder: Thanksgiving Break will be November 22, 23, 24
School resumes November 27
Thanks to the quick response of the Redkey Volunteer Fire Department!
We had an alarm go off in the building Saturday morning and they responded quickly. It was discovered that a belt had burnt in one of the heating units above the gym area and smoke had set off the alarm.
All school operations will continue on Monday as scheduled.
Thanks to the Redkey Volunteer Fire Department and school personnel that responded!
We had a great turnout for Donuts with Grownups. Thanks for the support of our students!
Thanks to PTO for all the help with this event! It's great to be a Redkey Wolf!
Donuts with Grownups
Thursday, November 16, 2023 Grades K, 1, 2
Friday November 17, 2023 Grades 3, 4, 5, & 6
7:00-7:50 am
Enter Door #3 by the gym
*PLEASE use all parking spaces and do not block the bus lanes or the side of the building. If all parking spaces are full, you may need to use the grass area to the south side of the building.
*Students should be able to be in their classroom prior to 7:55 am when school starts.
Reservations have previously been received for this event.
See you there!
Thank you Veterans!
Friday, November 10 at 8:10 am will be the Veterans Day program. Students are encouraged to wear Red, White, and Blue on that day.
Friday, November 10 Spirit Wear orders are due to school.
Correction from last week's newsletter: Christmas Program is Tuesday, December 12 at 1:40 pm and 6:00 pm
Fifth grade students visited the David Owsley Museum of Art at Ball State University and the planetarium today.
There is currently an ABF Freight Truck with mechanical issues in the Redkey parking lot. As you line up for the dismissal line, please do not pull beside the truck until all buses have lined up along the driveway. There will be someone there to direct you. Thanks for your patience!
Friday: Say Boo to Drugs! Bring Your Costume! Note: There will be time to change into costumes. Please do not come to school dressed in your costume or you will be asked to change.
Parents and Guardians are invited to the school gymnasium to see all the student costumes at 1:45 pm. during our school parade. There will also be time to take group pictures while in the gym.
Thursday: Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite team jersey or colors!
Wednesday: Red'y to Say No To Drugs! Wear as much Red as You Can.
Tuesday: Put a Cap on Drugs! Wear your Favorite Hat.
Monday: My Future is Bright without Drugs! Wear Neon Colors or Sunglasses.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Picture Retake Day, Group Photos, and Classroom Photos for Yearbook
Crabtree Photography will be taking yearbook portraits on October 24th for those that were not available on the original day or in need of a retake. This is also a great time to order Portraits from the original Photo Day if you missed your first opportunity.
Choose your package, and/or add-on items, add to your cart.
Fall Break: October 18-20
School Resumes October 23
Have a Safe and Happy Fall Break!
Friday, November 10 at 8:10 a.m. we will have our Veterans Day Program in the Redkey Gymnasium. All Veterans, Parents, and Community Members are invited to attend. We will be honoring our Veterans with readings by students, presentations by students, and video presentations showing all branches of the military serving our country in time of need and the sacrifice that they have made for our country. Veterans, guests, and students related to Veterans will be treated to a reception in the gymnasium after the program concludes.
Kiwanis Character Kids!
Thanks to the Redkey Volunteer Firemen for the visit!
This week is Fire Prevention Week. You may see fire trucks at the school this morning due to the firemen talking with our students. Help to review fire evacuation plans in your home and check your smoke detectors.