After School Remediation Programs for both Junior High and High School students have been cancelled for tonight, 12/22/21.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Advisories are participating a door decorating competition. Here's a sneak peak!!
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High
X-mas tree
Room 306
We want to congratulate and celebrate the outstanding performance of 7 members of the Jay BPA (Business Professionals of America) who traveled to Wabash IN on Saturday, December 4 to compete in the Regional Competition at Heartland Career Center. All seven Jay County high school students competing have qualified for the State Competition and will represent Jay County Jr-Sr High School March 13-15, 2022 in Indianapolis. Here are the results: Samuel Bracy--1st in Business Law & Ethics Aidan Garlinger--1st in Graphic Design Promotion, 1st in Digital Marketing Concepts, and 1st in Management, Marketing and Human Resources Concepts James Larrowe--1st in C++ Programming and 1st in Computing Concepts Evan Toney--1st in Legal Office Procedures and 3rd in Business Law & Ethics Bakhtiyor Butabekov--2nd in Financial Math & Analysis Concepts Charley Bye--3rd in Python Programming Darren Fisher--4th in Python Programming
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High
BPA Award Winners
Great performance tonight by our 7th and 8th Grade Choir students! Fantastic work and skill.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Jay Country Jr-Sr High School 8th Grade Parents and Students: 8th grade students participating in the coffee fundraiser, all orders and money/checks need to be turned in Monday by 9 AM to Mrs. Allred. Parents, Bizy Dips needs a count on how many bags we have sold. Please email Mrs. Allred at with the exact numbers of each size and brand that your student has sold. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Jay Schools are now closed today, Friday, December 10, 2021. An eLearning day will be implemented.
about 3 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Friday, December 10, 2021
about 3 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
Jay Country Jr-Sr High School Parents and Students: After School Opportunities We know the last several months have been difficult on the education of our students. In an effort to help students who are struggling academically, we have begun offering some after school options for students. These programs began Nov. 8th and are available to all grades 7-12. To encourage students to participate we have offered an additional Activity Bus route at 4:45 and will be providing students with a free afternoon snack. The plan is for this after school program to continue through May 6, 2022. This would be a great opportunity for students that are struggling academically, need additional support in a smaller group setting, or can help a student catch up that has been out due to COVID-19. Please reach out to the Jay County Jr-Sr High School if your are interested in these opportunities at 260-726-9306. Students can just show up, but if we know they are coming we can communicate this with their teachers for the most support. Thanks! Please see the following Google Doc. for further information.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
The Jay County Jr-Sr High School Guidance Department is looking for organizations who would like to give scholarships to Jay County seniors. If you are interested in providing a scholarship or have given a scholarship in years past, please contact McKenna Daniels at 260-726-9306 or email to Please provide your name, organization name, the number of scholarships awarded, and if you have an application you would like to be used.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High
Substitute Teachers Wanted!
about 3 years ago, Jay Schools
Substitute Teacher
Jay County Jr-Sr High School 8th Grade Students and Parents: This is just a reminder that we will be holding our first Parent Meeting regarding the 8th Grade Washington DC Trip TONIGHT November 16th at 6:00pm. The meeting will take place at the Jay County Jr-Sr High School in the Commons. This meeting will answer frequently asked questions regarding, payments, student eligibility, fundraising, etc.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Jay County Jr-Sr High School 8th Grade Students and Parents: This is just a reminder that we will be holding our first Parent Meeting regarding the 8th Grade Washington DC Trip next Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00pm. The meeting will take place at the Jay County Jr-Sr High School in the Commons. This meeting will answer frequently asked questions regarding, payments, student eligibility, fundraising, etc. We hope to see you there!!
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Jay Schools are now closed today, Wednesday, November 10, 2021. An eLearning Day will be implemented.
about 3 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Wednesday, November 10, 2021.
about 3 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
Jay County Jr-Sr High School Parents and Students, Please view the link below in regards to new after school opportunities that we will be offering our 7-12 Grade students starting Monday, November 8th to help with learning loss. Please see the link below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at 260-726-9306. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Reminder: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, is a regular scheduled school day. It is not a two hour delay day.
about 3 years ago, Jay Schools
Dear Jay County Jr-Sr High School Parents/Guardians, On 10/18/21, the Jay School Board approved the end of the monthly Wednesday planned 2-hour school delay. Beginning Wednesday, November 3, 2012, there will no longer be a scheduled 2 hour delay. Wednesdays November 3, December 1, January 5, February 2, March 2, April 6 and May 4 will now be regularly scheduled school days. Please do not hesitate to contact the school at 260-726-9306. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Parent Teacher Conference Information for Jay County Jr-Sr High School. This Wednesday (10/27) from 5:30 - 7:00 PM we will be holding parent/teacher conferences. This year, ALL teachers will be in the Commons seated by departments. 2 teachers per long table, 1 per round table. Tables will be labeled with teacher's name that way you can find your student's teacher. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
Parents of seniors and juniors intending to graduate with the class of 2022. Herff Jones representatives will be at the school today, Friday, October 15, during lunch mods to accept orders from students. If you are unable to order today, you may order online. Students are only required to have a cap and gown unit. Please be aware that a price increase will go into effect on December 2.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High
Parents of seniors and juniors intending to graduate with the class of 2022. Herff Jones representatives will be at the school today, Thursday, October 14, from 4 to 7 pm for parents to order graduation items and ask questions. They will also be here on Friday, October 15, during lunch mods to accept orders from students. If you do not order on one of these two days, you may order online. Students are only required to have a cap and gown unit. Please be aware that a price increase will go into effect on December 2.
about 3 years ago, Jay County Jr-Sr High