Happy New Year to the families and friends of East Jay Elementary! We had a busy December and are looking forward to what 2024 has in store. Enjoy these photos of some of the fun activities as students geared up for their winter break!
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Jack, 12/23
East Jay Elementary--During the month of December, student's met with Mrs. Addington and discussed gratitude and kindness. Students wrote thank you notes to any person they wanted to show their gratitude, both here at school or home. Following a "gratitude calendar", students were able to see how they were doing with these worthwhile activities. They also learned about Random Acts of Kindness and practiced showing kindness to their fellow students, teachers, staff, and their families at home. They made Christmas lightbulbs for their lockers describing ways to be kind, made notes with words of encouragement to other students and staff, and made and sent Christmas greetings to residents of Persimmon Ridge, Crown Pointe, and our County Home.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 23
dec 2023
EJE Christmas Program Reminder: --All 4th Grade students at school and in their classroom by 5:45 p.m. --All 4th grade students must have their recorders! --All 5th and 6th grade CHOIR students need to be in the main gym and in their place on the risers by 5:45 p.m. --Dress your child in “Christmassy” clothes. Please no jeans with holes (they must look nice), shorts, t-shirts, etc.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Christmas 2023
Please note the upcoming winter events for East Jay Elementary.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Winter Events 2023
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Today, the students and staff of East Jay paid tribute to our veterans during a short program. Students invited special friends and family members who have served or are serving our country. To all our veterans, we want to express our sincere thanks for your sacrifices, unwavering dedication, and incredible bravery. Your service has provided and defended our freedom, and we are eternally grateful.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Veteran's Day 23
Congratulations to our first nine weeks Kindness Award recipients at East Jay Elementary. Each of these students were nominated because of the kindness they have shown to their peers and the staff since the beginning of school. We are so proud of you and how you are setting a great example!
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Kindness Awards 11/23
EJE 5th and 6th grade students had the opportunity to go to a Ball State Women's Basketball game today as part of their positive incentive reward for good behavior for the first nine weeks of school. They cheered on the Cardinals to a 97-64 win over Tennessee Tech.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
Ball State Field Trip
REMINDER: East Jay Elementary will honor our veterans this Thursday at 9:00 a.m. If your student will have an honored veteran present for the program on Thursday, their guest may come at 8:30 and enjoy some refreshments prior to the program, as a small gesture of our appreciation for their service.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Veteran's Day 2023
Ms. McNelis' 4th grade class recently studied basic electricity. They worked on a project to demonstrate static electricity and positive and negative charges using balloons, and made electrical circuits with batteries, wire, and small motors.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
McNelis demo
CONGRATULATIONS to our East Jay Elementary Red Ribbon Week Door/Poster Decorating Contest Wiinners: First Place: 5th Grade, Miss Heyne Second Place: 4th Grade, Ms. McNelis Third Place: 6th Grade, Mrs. Moeller (There are additional photos on Facebook under comments.)
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
Door Contest
BE KIND TO YOUR MIND! LIVE DRUG FREE! East Jay students had the best time during Red Ribbon Week. Students took time to discuss why a drug free life is key to a bright future. Enjoy these highlights from the week!
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
RedRibbon Week
EAST JAY ELEMENTARY Please mark your calendars with these important dates. Watch for updates as activities are added to our schedule.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
NOV 23
BE KIND TO YOUR MIND! LIVE DRUG FREE! East Jay Elementary will celebrate Red Ribbon Week starting October 23rd. There are activities planned for all students, as well as dress up days.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Red Ribbon Week 2023
Fall Break Reminder--October 18, 19, and 20 there will be NO SCHOOL. Enjoy the time with your family. Attached are photos of our East Jay students at their Sno Cone Party today. Students that sold at least one box of chocolates during the recent fundraiser AND got their money in by the deadline, got to share in the icy treats.
about 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
snow cone party
EAST JAY ELEMENTARY: We are excited to announce that the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to East Jay Elementary from October 12th-17th, during the school day. We are also extending the opportunity to purchase books on October 16th during Parent-Teacher conferences, from 3-6:00 PM. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to discover new books and authors, and foster a love for reading. To make the shopping experience even easier, you can create an eWallet account. This will allow your child to make purchases without carrying cash or credit cards. To create an eWallet account, simply go to our Book Fair homepage: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/eastjaymiddleschool and click on the eWallet "Get Started" button. You will then be prompted to create an account or sign in if you already have one with Scholastic. Once your account is set up, look for the "Share" button to share your eWallet link with East Jay. Please note that I will not have access to your personal account information. We hope to see you and your child at the Book Fair. Thank you for supporting our school's love for reading!
over 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Staff and students of East Jay showed their appreciation for our wonderful custodial staff last week for National Custodian Day. Thank you to our day time staff, Whitney Gray & Brad Frasher, and our afternoon crew, Audrey May & Travis Younts. You do a wonderful job keeping our building and grounds clean and tidy. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to our school! FROM OUR CUSTODIANS TO OUR STAFF AND STUDENTS: We would like to thank everyone for the cards, snacks, and gifts for National Custodian Day!
over 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
audrey & travis
brad and whitney
EAST JAY ELEMENTARY PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Today marks the end of our Fall Fundraiser with World's Finest Chocolates. It has been a very successful way to raise money for our student activities. We still have just a few that need to turn their money in. If you missed the deadline, please make sure you have everything to the office right away on Monday morning. Congratulations to the winner of our GIANT 5 POUND CHOCOLATE BAR--Kayden May! Our two that found the GOLDEN TICKETS hidden inside their box of chocolates--Zoey Blizzard and Lucy Locke. They each won a 1 POUND CHOCOLATE BAR! Stay tuned--there will be more winners to announce as the final sales are counted.
over 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Golden Tickets
Join us in the East Jay Elementary main gymnasium on Thursday, November 9th, 9:00 a.m., as we celebrate our veterans. If your student has a special veteran in their life that they would like to honor during our program, please click on the link provided to share the information we will need. If their guest is available to visit, they can arrive at 8:30 a.m. to enjoy some refreshments prior to the program. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1enB6_KwGOX4L6A2mP3WVp2EKYL-0QCt8_NS60yjC3no/edit?ts=651d90ee
over 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Vet Day 2023
East Jay Elementary Important Dates for October
over 1 year ago, East Jay Elementary
Oct 2023