Happy 206th Birthday Indiana!
The annual Bloomfield Food Drive will be next week. Thank you for your donations!
Jay Schools are now closed, Wednesday, December 7, 2022. An eLearning Day will be implemented.
We fly our flags at half mast today in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day!
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Wednesday, December 7, 2022.
Family Resources
Due to the Fog Delay the lunch menu for 12/6/22 will be the one that was originally scheduled for Friday 12/9/22.
The lunch menu for 12/9/22 will be the one that was originally scheduled for Tuesday 12/6/22
Friendly reminder the Bloomfield Christmas Program is next Tuesday, December 13th. This will include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade Bombers.
It’s Bookmobile Day at Bloomfield!
Tomorrow is the last day to get your Spiritwear ordered! Don't miss out, click the link below!
All of the pickles have been sold! Thanks for a great pickle season!
Happy Thanksgiving Bombers!
Pre Thanksgiving BOGO Pickle Extravaganza!
Buy One Get One Free!
We have 17 jars left. Everything must go!
Call Bloomfield at 260-726-9417
Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade enjoyed a presentation from foreign exchange student, Alba Badajoz Dominguez, who is here from Spain. She is spending this school year with Mrs. DeHoff and her family. Thank you for coming to Bloomfield Alba!
PTO Spiritwear Info! It is all online this year from TFlyerz
Bomber Hero Spotlight
Thanks To Jay Schools Bus Driver John Friend for your service in the US Army!
Bloomfield PTO Heroes Pickle Sale!
For Veterans on Veterans Day 11/11/22
Buy One, Get One (of equal or lesser value) Free!
In honor of all who served, wear something Red, White, and Blue on Friday 11/11/22.
We want a sea of Red, White, and Blue for the Veterans Day Program!
Extra pickles are for sale and going fast! Feel free to call the office at 260-726-9417.
Update - all pickles are sorted. You can pick them up anytime from now until 6 pm
Pickle Pick-up is still on from 2:30-6:00 pm Thursday November 3rd. Since it is E-Learning you can come anytime just call ahead first so we can pull your order!