All library books are due to the library by Friday, May 28!
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55
Tuesday, May 25 @ 6:00 pm. PTO meeting in gym. Planning for next school year.
May 21, 2021 Newsletter: Please click the link:
Today: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55.
Important Fifth Grade Parent Information. Please click the following link:
May 14, 2021 Newsletter
Please click the link to view the weekly newsletter.
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55 Lunch Menu Change: Option A Fish Sticks, Biscuits not cheeseburger
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55
Food Pantry: Tuesday 5:00-6:30
Teacher Appreciation Week
Next week is teacher appreciation
week. Please feel free to shower
your student’s teacher with gifts of
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55
See information regarding the 2021 WJCC Kid’s Summer Day Camp
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55
Wednesday: Planned 2 hour delay. Doors open at 9:30 Tardy Bell 9:55