United Way-Spirit Week
Tuesday- PJ Day (school appropriate...with tennis shoes)
Bring your coins in your Tootsie Roll Bank
Dress up is optional.
Mark your calendars for some events!
United Way-Spirit Week Starts Monday
Monday-Wear Halloween Attire...possibly Halloween Shirt...orange or black
Bring your coins in your Tootsie Roll Bank
Dress up is optional.
Redkey Pumpkin decorating contest
Red Ribbon Week
Friday- “Say Boo to Drugs!
Bring your costume for our afternoon Fall Party.
1:45 parade starts…parents are welcome to watch in the gym
Jay County Fair Corn Maze trip today
Students must have coats, gloves, and hats as the temps will be colder than they have been earlier this week!
Red Ribbon Week
Thursday, October 27, 2022
“You Won’t See Me Using Drugs”
Wear Camo for the field trip to the corn maze, dress weather appropriate
Students should have coats, gloves, and hats as the temps will be cooler than they have been earlier this week!
Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
“We made it through the first 50 days of school”
50’s Day
Thursday, October 27, 2022
“You Won’t See Me Using Drugs”
Wear Camo for the field trip to the corn maze, dress weather appropriate
*Thursday, October 27, 2022 will now be the date of the Jay County Fairgrounds Corn Maze field trip.
Jay County Fairgrounds Corn Maze Field trip information attached.
Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday- “Dress for Success”
Picture retake day, dress your best.
Redkey Elementary PTO Bearcreek Farms Fundraiser
See attached flyer. Order forms were sent with students today!
Dunkirk Kiwanis Poinsettia Holiday Fundraiser
The Kiwanis supports Redkey classrooms with several grants for teachers and staff.
Red Ribbon Week
Monday- “Team Up Against Drugs!”
Wear your favorite team colors or jersey.
All dress up is optional.
Thanks to the Redkey Volunteer Firemen for sharing about fire safety!
Fall Break-No School
October 19 through October 21
School resumes Monday, October 24
Today: Parent Teacher Conferences
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Enter through Door #1
Kindergarten, First (Stotler), Second (Corcoran), and Third-scheduled times in classrooms
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth-Open times in Gym
Today: Parent Teacher Conferences
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Enter through Door #1
Kindergarten, First (Stotler), Second (Corcoran), and Third-scheduled times in classrooms
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth-Open times in Gym
Thanks for a great Boss’s Day!
Plan to attend the Pennville Pumpkin Festival this weekend!
Tomorrow, 10/12 the Jay County Boys Soccer team will be competing in the regional tournament @ Jay County High School @ 5:00 pm! To show your Jay County Spirit we are asking that all Jay County students wear RED tomorrow to support our boys! ❤️🤍💙⚽️