HAND stands for Homework Assistance for a New Direction. This is an after-school homework/tutoring opportunity for Jr. High students to work on assignments that need to be completed. HAND is a way for students to get caught up in a safe, and quiet environment for optimal, work-focused time. Students staying will be expected to utilize this time to work on schoolwork. Students who choose to attend would remain after school and be able to ride the activity bus home that evening. Parents/Guardians can choose to pick up their students as well.
Starting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, HAND will take place from 3:30- 6:00 PM on most Tuesdays during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year. If a student is staying for HAND, they need to stay for the duration of the time.
If HAND would benefit your 7th or 8th-grade student, then please register them for dates of your choosing.
HAND Sign-up for parents and guardians to register their 7th or 8th-grade students.