Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, September 9, 2020, due to fog.
We are extending the hours of our Transportation Office to 9:00 PM this evening for anyone needing assistance with bus information.
Please contact Director of Transportation, Melissa Stephen at 260-726-9605 until 6:00 PM then at 260-726-5272 between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM this evening.
2020-2021 bus information is at the link below.
We are thrilled to welcome your children back to East Elementary tomorrow. Here are a few reminders to help us with our first day:
Our tardy bell rings at 7:55 AM. First and second grade students will report on time. Kindergarten students will have a delayed start time of 9:00 AM.
One student mask will be given to each child. Masks are not required for students in grades K-2 but we would encourage their use during arrival/dismissal, transition times, etc. Your child can bring his/her own mask tomorrow as well. Masks will need to be cleaned at home.
Please send a water bottle labeled with your child’s name. They can refill it throughout the day, as needed. Public drinking fountains will be turned off in the building.
Please remember to have send your child’s chrome book and charger back to school tomorrow. They will need their device for technology class and other activities.
Arrival and Dismissal procedures take a little longer the first week or two of school. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding, as safety is our number one priority. Please note that if you are picking up your child tomorrow, you should not arrive on campus until AFTER 2:40 to allow for buses to get in and out of our parking lot. This will be essential to making sure traffic can flow properly.
We look forward to seeing your children tomorrow!
For parents who may have missed it earlier, 2020-2021 transportation information is at the link below. For anyone needing assistance, please contact Director of Transportation, Melissa Stephen at 260-726-5272 or by email at mstephen@jayschools.k12.in.us
URGENT PARENT MESSAGE: We need your help! Our Transportation Department was unable to pull information properly from our student management system, at registration. They are relying on our SchoolPass Data. We need your child's dismissal information in our SchoolPass system by Tuesday September 8th at 2:00 PM. (SchoolPass is not just for car riders. We need ALL dismissal plans up-to-date in SchoolPass). Defaults (normal daily dismissal) must be updated on the website. https://jayschools.school-pass.net
Bus Information is located here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRFYoGAzyZK45GBOCFNuLdiQzhlwsrRJ/view?usp=sharing You will need to locate your child’s bus, and put this information in SchoolPass. If your child is a walker or latchkey, this is listed under activity. Please complete Dismissal Plans, in SchoolPass, by September 8th at 2:00 PM. You cannot use the app, for defaults (your child's normal dismissal). The app is for CHANGES, after normal dismissal is scheduled. Once you have completed the updates on the website, download the NEW app: SchoolPass Parent. This is a BLUE app. If you are having difficulty, please see this troubleshooting page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YkzaeH0kpiVnhNVDXH3DxDKsR5QJyF7Dpz0V_0HHqMc/edit?usp=sharing If you are NEW to East Elementary or East Jay, the Welcome Emails have now been sent by SchoolPass to set up your account. If you are having difficulty, put in your email and request a new password. If that does not work, please see the Troubleshooting page listed in the previous paragraph.
(Do not comment or send a message on Facebook regarding your child's dismissal plans. We cannot answer your questions, in this manner. If you are having difficulty, please see our troubleshooting document.)
Ray Cooney, Editor and Publisher of The Commercial Review, interviewed Jay Schools Superintendent, Jeremy Gulley, Jay County Health Department Administrator, Heath Butz, and others, about the reopening of the schools.
This is a reminder for parents of kindergarten students:
The first student day, Sept. 9th, will be a delayed start. Kindergarten students should be dropped off at 9:00 am. Please feel free to park and walk your child up to the front door where staff will be waiting to greet you. You may also use the drop off car line if that is more convenient or if you prefer not to get out of your vehicle while dropping off you child. First and Second Grade students will start at the normal time on the first day of school. We look forward to seeing you all on Sept. 9th!
This is a reminder about the East Jay Elementary Orientation scheduled for August 24th and August 26th. Please click the link for detailed information.
Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Thursday, August 27th from 5:00-7:00 PM. Incoming kindergarten students and their parents are welcome to come meet the teacher, drop off school supplies and visit the classroom. We can't wait to see you there!
Click here for reopening information! https://tinyurl.com/yd4ru38r