Jay Schools are closed today, February 1, 2021. An eLearning Day will be implemented.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
Jay Schools are on a 2 hour delay, Monday, February 1, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Jay Schools
Spelling Bee We had hoped that we would be able to provide the spelling bee recording. However, due to technical difficulties we are unable to provide the recorded link. We are very sorry. We want to congratulate our Winner: Fletcher Nichols and our Alternate: Carley Trinidad
almost 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Unfortunately we will be unable to provide a livestream link for our Spelling Bee, on Thursday the 28th. This is for the security and safety of our students and staff. However, we will record the event and post it on our website and FB, after the event is over. We wish all of our spellers the best!
almost 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Given the Winter Weather Advisory, Jay Schools will be on a 2 hour delay for Tuesday, January 26, 2021. This will give everyone time to prepare and we will see what comes by the morning. 
almost 4 years ago, Jay Schools
Just a reminder of the planned 2 hour delay Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Grades K-6 will follow the normal 2 hour delay schedule. Grades 7-12 will follow the remote learning schedule.
about 4 years ago, Donna Chenoweth
We hope you had a Merry Christmas. We apologize to those that were unable to view our band and choir Christmas program. It is now fixed and can be viewed at the below link. We hope you have a Happy New Year. We will see you soon! https://youtu.be/1IPLJ8pBNIE
about 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
A reminder to everyone that we will begin our planned weekly 2 Hour Delay on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, to provide teachers additional time to prepare and plan instruction and support for students. This delay will apply to our elementary students (K-6). Jay County Jr-Sr High will follow their Remote Learning Schedule this Wednesday (7-12).
about 4 years ago, Jay Schools
Dear Parents / Guardians, Due to unforeseen circumstances the 6th grade Parent Teacher Conferences will be postponed. We will communicate with you on makeup times and dates. Thank you for your understanding.
about 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
East Jay Elementary, about 1 hour ago IMPORTANT BUS UPDATES: Bus #85 will NOT BE RUNNING the morning or the afternoon route through November 24th. AND BUS #50 will NOT BE RUNNING the MORNING route through November 24th. You will need to find an alternate way for your child to get to/from School. Please make dismissal changes in SchoolPass. We understand that this presents challenges for our families. Please contact the school directly, if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Thank you Veterans! Please see the East Jay Veterans Day Salute, at the below link: https://youtu.be/xj5inSZ4f9Q
about 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Thank you Veterans
This is a reminder to all parents - the Interurban/Lifestream Bus does not run on 11-11-20. This is in honor of Veterans Day. Please make sure SchoolPass is updated for the change in dismissal, as a result of their closure.
about 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Fun around East Jay: Last week, our 6th Grade Band students attempted "Hot Cross Buns" for the first time. It was a success! We also celebrated Homecoming Week. Mrs. Hollowell's class had 6 T-shirts to give away signed by our Jay Co Patriot High School Football Team. Go Patriots!
over 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
6th Grade Band
6th Grade Band
Patriot Pride
Updates from Food Service: Beginning Tuesday, September 15th, ALL STUDENTS will be offered FREE breakfast and lunch regardless of free, reduced or paid lunch status. We will be refunding all meal charges from 9/10/20 thru 9/14/20 (except second meals and a la carte sales). Meals will be FREE until December 31st, 2020. This waiver will expire and on January 1st, 2021 meals will be charged based on status again. No forms or application is required for a student to receive FREE meals during this waiver period. We will continue to charge for second meals and a la carte items such as chips, drinks, cookies, etc. Make sure you are still filling out Free/Reduced applications due to textbook fee benefits. TO ALL VIRTUAL STUDENTS: Food distribution will start on Wednesday 9/30/2020 and continue every week on Wednesdays. Each student will receive 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches and this will be FREE regardless of your lunch status until 12/31/2020 due to USDA waiver. We will have 2 locations for drive thru pick up: Jay County Jr-Sr High School – pick up at 2pm-3pm at Door# 8 on the north parking lot (similar to what we did this summer). Redkey Elementary- pick up at 3pm-4pm at the parking lot (similar to what we did this summer). If you have any questions please contact foodservice by email foodservice@jayschools.k12.in.us or call at 260-726-9306.
over 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
The Jay School Corporation will be testing our new mass notification phone and texting system this coming Friday, September 25, 2020. This system will send important school information via text or automated phone calls. In order to receive these school text messages or phone calls you must have a valid phone number in Skyward. The texts and phone calls will be sent to "Guardian 1" and "Guardian 2" (if applicable) as was entered by parents during the registration process. If you need to update your information in Skyward, go to the following link: https://www.jayschoolcorp.org/skyward Parents who need help with their Skyward username or password should complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrMg-7b-xwlcx8RB5JtahlA7fdZmOYl9ZdG2zdnTGxjLA6CA/viewform?usp=sf_link The incoming phone number should show up in your caller ID as 260-726-9341 and the text will say "From Jay School Corp".
over 4 years ago, Jay Schools
Chartwells, our food service company, has informed us that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved our district to offer free breakfast and lunch to our students effective September 10, 2020. Our students will be offered FREE breakfast and lunch regardless of free, reduced or paid lunch status. Chartwells will be refunding all meal charges that may have happened from the first day of school until today (9/16/20) back to the student lunch account (except second meals and a la carte sales). Meals will be FREE until December 31st, 2020. This waiver will expire and on January 1st, 2021 meals will be charged based on status again. No forms or application is required for a student to receive FREE meals during this waiver period. We will continue to charge for second meals and a la carte items such as chips, drinks, cookies, etc. Make sure you are still filling out Free/Reduced applications due to textbook fee benefits. Any questions please feel free to email foodservice@jayschools.k12.in.us or call (260) 726-9306 ext. 2262.
over 4 years ago, Jay Schools
We had a great first day, at our new home: East Jay Elementary! It went by very quickly, but it was a great day. Everyone was so happy to be back; there were smiles everywhere!
over 4 years ago, East Jay Elementary
Can't MASK our Excitement for 3rd Grade!
Ready for lunch!
Jumping rope with friends!
We are good to go after this 2 hour delay. Conditions are much improved. Welcome back!
over 4 years ago, Jay Schools
A reminder to everyone that a 3 hour delay is an option we consider when poor weather conditions are present in our county. This option has been helpful in the past, particularly on days with morning fog. We chose not to use this option today in the hope that tomorrow will permit a full school day for students and staff to implement COVID-19 safety procedures and other changes at the schools to start a new school year. However, if we experience fog again tomorrow morning like we did today, we will go from a 2 hour delay to a 3 hour delay, if necessary, to allow conditions to improve and preserve the school day. We have new bus routes, new bus stops, and new traffic patterns at some of our schools. We want to avoid everyone having to adjust to this while contending with fog. When 3 hour delays occur, school ends one hour later than normal. Bus drivers begin their routes at 6:00 AM, so if we delay or cancel we make the decision by that time. Likewise, after a 2 hour delay, we make the decision to delay further or cancel by 8:00 AM. In a school district as large as ours, road or weather conditions in one part of the county may be different than in another part. As has been our past practice, we will support parents who feel conditions in their location are not safe to send their student(s) to school. Absences in these situations are excused as long as the parent communicates with the school. While not all risks in life can be eliminated, ultimately, the safety of our students and employees is the only thing on our minds as we make weather-related decisions.
over 4 years ago, Jay Schools
In accordance with the JSC eLearning plan, there is no eLearning when school is cancelled on the first day of a grading period. We will review options that may avoid the need to add a day at the end of the school year. Details on this will be announced.
over 4 years ago, Jay Schools