The Elementary Basketball Showcase will be held at East Jay Elementary on Monday, December 18th from 3-4pm. Come see our Bomber basketball players in action!
After 4 days, we have made great progress in the Food Drive! Half of these items are were brought in by Bloomfield and the other half from generous donation from the Bryant Wesleyan Church.
Tomorrow is the last day for the drive. If you are able to bring a donation, that would be greatly appreciated! This is a great partnership with Pastor Paul VanCise and the Bryant Wesleyan Church to help needy families.
Thanks for the visit today Jack!
Bloomfield's annual food drive will be next week, December 11-15. All donations will be distributed to local families. Thank you for your support!
Let Us Never Forget!
Miss Rion's class did "word surgery" today making contractions!
Change in Lunch Menu for Friday December 1st and Friday December 8th. The main entree item will be Pizza on these days!
Thank you Veterans!
Information for November 10, 2023
Reminder that we will Observe Veterans Day. Feel free to wear Red, White, and Blue or something Patriotic!
The Lunch Menu for 11/10/23 has changed to:
Corn Dogs
Green Beans
Red and Green Bell Pepper Strips
Fresh Apple Cinnamon Slices
Fresh Carrots
Spinach and Romaine Salad
Fun Lunch: Cereal, Yogurt, & Cheese Fun Lunch OR Cheddar and Mozzarella Salad with a Breadstick
Literacy Night was great! We had a nice turnout. Thanks for coming!
Attention parents of third and fourth graders:
The Just Say No meeting has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, November 15th.
Bloomfield Literacy Night 2023
Grades 2 and 3
November 7th
6:00 pm
Bloomfield Gym
Grades 2 and 3 will be taking the IREAD3 Assessment and the Bloomfield Staff wanted to give you some awareness of the test and how we are helping them prepare!
A presentation will be given by our 3rd Grade Teachers, along with information from 2nd Grade Teachers as well.
Door Prizes will be drawn for those attending! Must be present to win
-$25 Scholastic E- Gift Card
-Assortment of Pickles
We are proud of the leadership of our Bomber Student Council!
It's Pickle Day at Bloomfield!
Bloomfield PTO Pickle Pick-Up
Thursday, November 2nd.
Time: 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
We appreciate your support of our PTO fundraiser!
Bloomfield Literacy Night 2023
Grades 2 and 3
November 7th
6:00 pm
Bloomfield Gym
Grades 2 and 3 will be taking the IREAD3 Assessment and the Bloomfield Staff wanted to give you some awareness of the test and how we are helping them prepare!
A presentation will be given by our 3rd Grade Teachers, along with information from 2nd Grade Teachers as well.
Door Prizes will be drawn for those attending!
Red Ribbon Theme- “Be Kind to Your Mind, Live Drug Free.”
Monday, October 23rd
Team Up Against Drugs!
Wear your team gear (clothes and/or hats).
Tuesday, October 24th
Drugs DON’T give Americans Superpower!
Wear your red, white, and blue OR your superhero clothes.
Wednesday, October 25th
Wear RED to FIght off Drugs!
Wear RED!
Thursday, October 26th
Follow your Dreams, Don’t do Drugs!!
Wear your PJ’s!!
Friday, October 27th
Say Boo to Drugs!
Bring your costumes to participate in the school wide parade.
Macy DeHoff and Miss Long had a great presentation to the Jay School Board on the progress of Project Lead The Way at Bloomfield. Well done!
Mrs. Hawbaker has the attention of Ms. Rion's class during Library Instruction with a captivating book!
Pickle Orders are due today October 5th!